Overview of the College of Media Arts & Technology
The career-oriented degree programs in DeVry University's College of Media Arts & Technology foster marketable job skills and provide practical experience while pushing the boundaries of technology in web and digital design. We'll help you develop the technical, creative, and problem-solving skills you need to succeed as a new media designer. As a result, this college produces graduates with strong digital imaging skills, refined design sensibilities, and the ability to visualize concepts as well as grasp the practical and professional application of artistic endeavors.
The College of Media Arts & Technology offers the following degree programs. Both of these programs are also available online.
Associate Degree Programs
Bachelor's Degree Programs
Multimedia Design and Development with specializations in:
Graphic and Multimedia Design
Graphics and Multimedia Management
Web Design and Development
Web Game Programming
Note: You may also be interested in the Game & Simulation Programming bachelor's degree program offered within the College of Engineering & Information Sciences.
Explore below to learn why you should choose DeVry University for your education in media arts and technology. Or learn more about pursuing an online tech education through our online degree programs.
via www.devry.edu